Monday, 14 July 2014

Review Of The Lead System Network Pro Team Incentive Matrix

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Now it is time to discuss and review the Lead System Pro Team Bonus Matrix. We’ve already went thought the Basic and Pro suite compensation plan in our previous article and in this one will try to cover all the details of this additional income opportunity.

The LSN team bonus, that all qualified Pro resellers are eligible to, can really boost your income if done properly and treated as a team bonus and not an individual bonus. So many times in this business, people forget that they better work as a team instead of all by themselves. But the goal here is to fill as many position as possible in this 3 by 9 matrix so everyone can receive an additional payout.

The Lead System Network Team Bonus Can Pay Up To $30,000 

Every position that is filled in your team matrix is worth $1 in extra commission to you. All spots in the matrix with the exception of the third level where you will receive $37 for each occupied positions. Considering there are 3 positions in level one, 9 positions in level two and 27 positions in level three, filling all of these spots is worth over $1000 to you. And as we will see next, the best part is still to come.

To qualify for the monthly recurring income from the Lead System Network team incentive program, all you need is to make one pro suite sale and have one of your customers being added to the team matrix. Then to receive the monthly bonus for the level 4 to 6, you will need 6 sales and with 9 sales, you will become eligible for the extra payout of levels 7 to 9. Being qualified for all 9 levels can be worth over $30,000 to you every month.

How To Get a One-Time Payment of the LSN Team Bonus 

The team incentive will also reward anyone who has not made a single sale. Every valid reseller that is qualified at the basic and pro level can earn a one-time commission for the first three levels. We do not recommend you to wait for others to fill all your first 3 levels but instead work with the rest of your team to fill the positions faster. But as many claimed out and loud in their advertising of the LSN payout plan, it is possible for you to earn a one-time payment without even promoting the products. We will look at this in great details in a later article.  

The Lead System Network Incentive Program Is All About Having The Proper Team Strategy 

We believe it was a great idea to include this incentive in the Lead System Network Compensation Plan as it can help people who are selling the products at a slower pace to receive an extra income. However, as we mentioned earlier, it is preferable to have a team strategy that will allow everyone in your team to get the maximum profitability from all of what the LSN comp plan has to offer.

And if you are serious about your business and are thinking about joining LSN, we invite you to visit our website, contact us and we will share our strategy with you. We are looking forward to see you joining our team and helping us to make our team the most successful one within the Lead System Network.

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